Protandim – A Dietary Supplement, not a Drug!

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Protandim – A Dietary Supplement, not a Drug!
Protandim is a patented dietary supplement marketed by LifeVantage Corporation.

About Protandim

Protandim is a patented dietary supplement marketed by LifeVantage Corporation. Protandim is a clinically proven, laboratory proven, NRF-2 stimulator which induces the formation of large amounts of intracellular, endogenous free radical scavenging enzymes through the genetic stimulation of our own survival genes.

Protandim - LifeVantage
Protandim – LifeVantage

Clayton Health and Wellness Clinic, LLC find there are two miraculous products developed so far to fight the anti-aging battle: Protandim and TrueScience. While Protandim fights the battle against aging from the inside, TrueScience fights the battle against aging from the outside. The herbal ingredients in Protandim stimulate the body’s survival genes to produce its own antioxidant enzymes to reduce the free radical load. The antiaging skin cream, TrueScience, when applied to neck, face, hands, arms, chest, and body diminishes lines, wrinkles, creases, brown spots.
Normally, externally taken antioxidant supplements are not effective in reducing the free radicals generated with all metabolic activity. Clinical testing has shown that large doses of oral antioxidants are ineffective in dropping free radicals in the human body. The synergistic herbal ingredients in Protandim (i.e., Bacopa, Turmeric, Ashwagandha, Green Tea and Milk Thistle) stimulate massive amounts of free radical scavenging enzyme production through genetically mapped NRF-2 Stimulation, resulting in an average 40-50% reduction in human free radical load. This is perhaps the most remarkable anti-aging product ever developed, and most assuredly the most clinically and laboratory tested product available today.

Product Review to Know about

We have reviewed for you the seven (7) peer-reviewed journal articles on the science of Protandim. Although this material is difficult for laypersons to understand, the bottom line is that this product works at many levels physiologically in your body to combat the free radical damage which occurs with aging, inflammatory states like heart disease, hypertension, chronic fatigue, diabetes, Alzheimer’s dementia, metabolic syndrome and many other clinical conditions. In addition, for well-trained athletes, Protandim allows one to work out much harder and have much greater endurance, for the same reason.
We, at Clayton Health and Wellness Clinic LLC, listen to your problems first, scrutinize your diagnostic records and current medical therapy, and suggest how Protandim can be beneficial for your health. Every medicine has side-effects if taken without proper medication. Protandim is no exception. Consult with the experts if you are going to take Protandim for the first time.
You can buy Protandim online or contact us to place an order by phone, email, or using our remote order entry service. Should have questions about Protandim, let us know today! To know the benefits of Protandim in detail, click here.
Protandim decreases oxidative stress in your body by 40% and slows down your cell aging process to the level of a 20 year old!